What to wear for spring skiing

Spring skiing can be an absolute hoot! There are lots of benefits to it, namely better weather, longer days, and warmer afternoons! There’s nothing quite like sitting out in a t-shirt at five in the afternoon, the mountains towering above, sipping on an ice cold beer, the sun on your skin… Don’t now! You’re getting… Continue reading What to wear for spring skiing

What to wear at aprés ski

When you’re lining up your apres activities for the week — whether it’s a cosy bar in town or a bouncing bash on the mountain, dressing right is a key aspect to nail down. You want to look like you’ve just rolled in off the mountain, sure, but should you be hitting the party in… Continue reading What to wear at aprés ski

Ski goggle lens colour guide

Like every other part of skiing and snowboarding, snow goggle lens tech has moved on leaps and bounds in the last few years. What used to be an exercise of simply keeping snow and wind out of your eyes has now become a space-race between the top companies to maximise peripheral vision, boost contrast to… Continue reading Ski goggle lens colour guide

The ultimate guide to waterproof ratings and breathability

If you’ve ever wondered what’s the big deal about waterproofing and breathability when it comes to outdoor and ski gear, then you’re not alone. What at first may seem like a black and white subject, can be all at once overwhelming when you dive beneath the surface. But that’s why we wrote this guide, and… Continue reading The ultimate guide to waterproof ratings and breathability

What to wear under ski pants

Most ski pants are usually made from a three-layered design. The outer shell consists of a durable and waterproof fabric layer with a bonded waterproof membrane, then there’s the insulation layer (optional), and then there’s the liner. The liner is often made from a polyester or nylon fabric designed to be smooth and to protect… Continue reading What to wear under ski pants

Wear & Care – Snow pants

Snow pants come in so many shapes, sizes, and styles, it can be impossible to keep track of all the new-fangled tech and features that manufacturers are packing in these days. Which is why we went ahead and crafted this article, which covers some of the common features, as well as some of the burning… Continue reading Wear & Care – Snow pants